make a film


make a film 🎥

CommissioninG Fund Program

Deadline: April 15, 2025 by 11:59 PM PDT

Youth and Emerging artists based in so-called “Canada” are invited to create a 3-15 minute short film that will premiere at F-O-R-M’s 10th annual festival in November 2025. 

Apply with a short film concept that involves movement of any genre, practice, or interpretation.

Jump to: Eligibility Criteria, Application Details, Budget and Timeline Templates, Timeline, Expectations, Assessment Criteria

About the Program

The Commissioning Fund Program (CFP) is an opportunity for artists to develop their creative voices through experimentation and collaboration to create a new short film.

F-O-R-M gives complete creative rein to all participants and will have dedicated staff available to support technical or artistic questions that might arise throughout the creation process. Artists will have five months to complete their films and are expected to meet specific deadlines throughout this period. Their films will premiere at F-O-R-M in November 2025.

Through this program, selected artists will be provided with:

  • $3500 towards production funds

  • Facility and equipment resources (up to $1500 credit value) through partner organizations Cineworks (Vancouver), VIVO (Vancouver), and Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers (Calgary)***

  • Workshops facilitated by professional artists in the movement-on-screen community, tailored to participating artists’ needs and interests

  • One-on-one mentorship with an established artist

    • Artists are invited to propose a mentor they would like to work with from their community, or a mentor can be sourced through F-O-R-M’s community

***If you are interested in applying but do not live in an area with access to one of our facility and equipment partners listed above, please get in touch with us! We cannot guarantee that equipment and rental facilities can be supported outside of these host organizations, but we will do our best to source support.

  • F-O-R-M presents films that investigate the body in motion through curiosity, experimentation, and imagination. We are interested in films that creatively explore our personal lived experiences and how such themes can be told through narrative or experimental approaches. Cinematography, experimental and DIY (Do It Yourself) editing approaches, and post-production effects are also considerations that contribute and add layers to the subject matter. We invite proposals to consider the interplay between the camera and the movement, regardless of the form.

    Our 2025 festival will be a hybrid of in-person events in Vancouver and online programming.

    Learn more about how and why F-O-R-M and the Commissioning Fund Program came to fruition by visiting our About page!

  • F-O-R-M is interested in how movement can be utilized as a vehicle for expression. Some ways we’ve seen movement be expressed are through walking, sports, shadows, animation, the movement of nature, and dance practices. 

    Movement can be understood in relation to the body, or it can extend beyond into other realms. We believe that every day gestures and mundane interactions are forms of movement. Movement can also be represented through the intangible, such as a transformative social justice movement. Our curiosity is to broaden the scope and possibilities of recorded movement. 

    Additionally, we recognize the movement that happens behind the camera, such as approaching filming and editing as choreography. We’re constantly evolving our understanding of how movement and film relate, and your films help us shape these curiosities.

    How do you define movement?

    How do you portray this definition within your practice or discipline?

    How does this movement collaborate with film?

How to Apply

Deadline: April 15, 2025
Application forms must be submitted by 11:59 PM PDT

There is no fee to apply. 

Learn more about the 3 different ways to apply to best support how you share your ideas with us.

All sections are to be filled out via the online form below, or can be emailed to Associate Artistic Director with subject line: [NAME] 2025 Commissioning Fund Program Application

Application Support Days: We're hosting two application support sessions this year! These sessions will be a way for you to meet some of the staff at F-O-R-M, ask us about the program and the expected schedule, share your ideas for your proposal, and ask for feedback. Please let us know if you want to attend by clicking below:

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must identify as either a Youth or Emerging Artist:

    • Youth: Lead creator must be between the ages of 15-25 by November 2025 (born 2000 to 2006).

    • Emerging: Lead creator must be 26 years or over (born 1999 or earlier), and self identifies as an Emerging artist or is new to the practice of movement and/or filmmaking. For the Emerging category, we will prioritize proposals where:

      • This is the applicant’s first or second time exploring movement-based filmmaking

      • The film features youth mover(s) ages 15-25 

      • There are 2 or more Youth working on the production

      • See this video What is an Emerging artist? to help determine if you are an Emerging artist (source: CADAC)

  • Co-applicants are welcome and encouraged

    • If applying with a co-applicant, please choose the age category of the oldest applicant. For communication and financial purposes, there must be a lead applicant. 

  • Applicants must be currently residing in so-called Canada throughout the duration of the program (May-November 2025)

    • Applicants must have a Canadian bank account and be able to accept etransfers

    • Applicants do not need to have Canadian citizenship or PR status to apply

  • All applicants must read and agree to the rules and regulations.  

F-O-R-M strongly encourages and prioritizes applications from Youth artists, and those from intersectional and traditionally marginalized communities; Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, folks with disabilities, and diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions (LGBTQ2S+).





Application Details

Deadline: April 15, 2025
Application forms must be submitted by 11:59 PM PDT
Fill out the Application Form Here or click on the button

There is no fee to apply. 

All sections are to be filled out via the form, or can be emailed to with subject line: [NAME] 2025 Commissioning Fund Program Application

3 Application Options

With the goal of reducing the barriers of this application, we are accepting proposals for the application (Section 2 below) in a variety of formats. These options are meant to invite different modes of communication and support your comfort level in order to get to know you and your ideas.

Section 1: General information about you
Section 2.1: Film Proposal ***(Option A, B, or C)
Section 2.2: Approach to Collaboration and Community Care ***(Option A, B, or C)
Section 3: Support Material

Learn more about each of the options below:

  • Option A—Written Application: 

    • Complete the application form digitally and attach a single PDF document with written answers responding to the application questions.

  • Option B—Pre-Recorded Video Application: 

    • Submit a video (up to 10 mins) responding to the application questions. There is no need to submit anything high quality or edited, and you are not obligated to be visible in the video. Just make sure that we can hear you clearly and that we understand your ideas and intentions. Complete the application form digitally and attach a Youtube or Vimeo link.

  • Option C—Live Video Call Application: 

    • Participate in a 15-minute video call responding to the questions in Section 2 & 3 with one of our team members. This meeting will be guided as a casual conversation that is recorded and shared with the 2025 Artistic Committee. If you are interested in this option, please select a preferred time for a video call by April 3, 2025 via the application form. Video calls will take place April 7-10 to provide enough time for the recordings to be transcribed and shared with the Artistic Committee.

If you have other accessibility needs (such as requiring ASL interpretation for your meeting or need support in submitting the file) please reach out to

    • Full name

    • Email

    • Date of birth

    • How do you self-identify? (optional question)

      • We invite everyone to take a moment to respond to this question. Marginalized and/or underrepresented communities like BIPOC folks, persons with disabilities, and persons of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions (LGBTQ2S+), are disproportionately expected to know and reflect on their identity intersections, while others are not.

      • You may reflect on your identities and relationship to the lands that you are on and the communities you engage with and represent, in an effort to affirm, honor and normalize this practice of self-identification. (An example of a person's intersections could be: white settler on unceded Coast-Salish Territory, queer, she/they pronouns, and able-bodied).

      • To learn more about the land you live on, check out Native Land.

    • City and Province

    • Co-applicant name and date of birth

      • If you are applying with a collaborator, please include their name, pronouns and date of birth here

        *Please note that all communications will be made with the main applicant

    • Category: Youth / Emerging

      • If choosing Emerging: Please provide a brief description of how you meet the definition of, and self identify as, an Emerging Artist

    • Is this your first time making a film?

    • Working title and one sentence to describe the film (max 50 words)

    • A detailed synopsis of the proposed short film (max 500 words):

      • This can include: The story or concept, describing the look and feel of the film, technical aspects of film, what you hope the audience will see or experience, description of movement qualities explored, intended length, images that inspire the project, etc.

        *Note: if your submission is selected, films should be between 3-15 minutes in length. 

    • Tell us a little bit about yourself and your art (max 200 words):

      • What are some ideas, beliefs, and/or principles that inform your creative practice? What is important to you when you create?

    • Describe your inspiration behind the project. Why do you wish to undertake it at this time? (max 500 words):

      • Consider responding to the following questions: Why this project? Why you? Why now? How might this project and opportunity support the development of your current artistic practice?

    • What excites you about the process of investigating how movement and filmmaking work together? (max 200 words)

  • Filmmaking often involves collaboration between artists of similar and differing backgrounds. We invite you to consider the statement “nothing about us without us” (Michael Masutha and William Rowland, 1993), which is commonly referenced in disability justice communities, as you answer the following questions.

    • How does your film speak to or involve community? (max 200 words)

      • Reflect on the communities that you are a part of and that support you. This can be a good way to expand on how you see your film reaching beyond you. We’re interested in how film can create/spark opportunities for political expression, community dialogue, and shared cultural experiences and understanding.

      • If your proposal includes cultural themes, practices, and/or knowledge outside of your own, please explain your relationship with such communities, and measures taken to ensure ethical practices will be in place in the making of this film.

    • How will you take care of yourself and the people you work with on this project? (no word limit)

      • Consider what mental, physical and emotional support can look like

      • Examples of this could include specifics of your communication methods, COVID protocols, approach to considering collaborators’ capacities (ie. access rider, community agreement, shorter working days, soft start times/hard end times)

    • 1-3 links of support material for the application (max 10 minutes total):

      • 5-10 minutes of material will be viewed

      • Be sure to use the notes section to explain how this specific material relates to your proposal and/or practice!

      • Support material can include: links to test footage or past projects, mood boards, storyboards, scripts, treatments, photos etc. 

    • Biographies of main creative personnel (max 1 page)

      • Include full names, pronouns, dates of birth, and their role(s) in the project

    • Proposed detailed budget

      • Grants of $3500 will be awarded, plus up to $1500 credit in equipment/facility rental costs (at non-member rates) via our commissioning fund production partners. 

      • Include your facility and equipment rental needs—depending on where you’re located, please visit the Cineworks (Vancouver), VIVO Media Arts (Vancouver), or CSIF (Calgary) website to see a list of their available equipment and facility rentals.

      • When creating your budget show how you will utilize the full funding, including the $1500 in-kind equipment/facility rental costs that can support your creation!

      • Budget Template HERE: download a copy you can use to support your application

    • Proposed detailed timeline

      • Include a breakdown of what key milestones you will achieve throughout the program, which will lead to the final delivery of your film. 

      • Timeline Template HERE: download a copy you can use in your application

    • Signed Letter of Support (Optional)

      • 1 signed letter of support from an established artist or professional in your field who can speak to your experience and past work

Budget and Timeline Templates

Make a copy of these templates below by duplicating the doc and editing it to fit the scope of your project.

*Reminder! A budget and timeline are required as part of the support material for the application



March 7: Call opens

March 27: Virtual Application Support Day — 3PM-5PM PDT — Register for these virtual sessions and fill out this form HERE by March 26

March 31:
Virtual Application Support Day — 4PM-6PM PDT — Register for these virtual sessions and fill out this form HERE by March 26

April 3: Final day to register for a Live Video Call Application (**only for artists applying through Option C) — Register by completing the application form and selecting what your preferred date is for the video call

April 7-10: Live Video Call Applications **only for artists applying through Option C

April 15: Call closes

May 1: Artists notified of results 

May 19-23: Individual orientation meetings

June 5-7: CFP Workshop Intensive 

June 16: Report 1 due 

July 18: Report 2 due 

August 20: Cohort Film Screening 1

August 22: Report 3 due 

September 24: Report 4 due + rough drafts of films 

September 26: Cohort Film Screening 2

October 20: Final films delivered

November 22: Film premieres at F-O-R-M 2025

December 1: Report 5 due + program debrief

Examples of Past Commissions

Take a look at some of the previous films made through the Commissioning Fund Program!



Selected participants will: 

  • Sign a letter of agreement with specific delivery dates

  • Complete brief reports and feedback forms 

  • Be in communication with festival coordinators and mentors throughout their process

  • Submit their full film, adhering to required formats, with program notes and credits by deadlines

  • Have free admission to all F-O-R-M 2025 festival events

The funds will be disbursed: 50% after signing a letter of agreement, and the remainder throughout the program after delivery of check-in reports and the final film.

Assessment Criteria and Selection Process

Each year, we form an Artistic Committee composed of past participating artists and community members with experience and knowledge in film and/or movement practices. Committee members are asked to evaluate proposals based on:

  • Artistic Vision 

  • Impact 

  • Feasibility 

  • Support Material

Rubric for assessment can be found here

All applications are reviewed by all Artistic Committee members and members of the F-O-R-M team. We use a scoring system using the above criteria to help with sorting applications after our first review. We then meet and discuss all applications. We make a selection from the projects being considered ensuring there is diversity on the grounds of form, gender, new and returning artists, and artists from under-represented populations.

All Youth applicants will receive feedback on their application. Emerging artists may receive feedback if requested via email.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Associate Artistic Director danielle Mackenzie Long at, or fill out the contact form below:

Thank you all for making this whole filmmaking journey one of the most endearing life experiences I’ve had and I can’t be happier getting to share this process and see the results with you all.
— Andy Liu, 2024 Commissioning Fund Program Artist