F-O-R-M 2017 June 16-17
27 short films from around the world
5 world premieres from commissioned artists
2 workshops, 2 parties, FORMations + more
Commissioned Artists
Sabrina Naz-Comanescu
Bonum (boh-noo m): After they cycle through two steps back and one step forward again, the dangers of complacency are revealed and the reward that is nestled in perseverance is imagined. Conceivably this is the taste of Bonum.
Andy Chen
The Runner: A transformation story of a teenage boy changing from a victim of violence to a positive and self-driven adolescent after joining Streetfront---an alternative for students who struggle to succeed in high schools in Vancouver east side. The short film emphasizes on how running changes the boy's attitude towards life and how it makes him resilient.
Rachel McNamee
This is you.
This could be you.
This is you, looking at you.
you, bliss bursting at the seams.
you, scared again.
you, soft and strong.
you, bitter and hardened by yesterday.
you, hopeful, moving forward, stepping into tomorrow.
this is you, alone.
Everyday is you, everyday is this.
This is you, okay. you, gut spilling, bone weary, heart shaking.
This is you, wishing you were not.
you, succumbing.
you, full of love.
you, full of doubt. you, full.
This was you, will be you.
This is you, home.
Jamie Robinson
Spaceman's Word For Irritating Disturbances: Questioning society’s ever-changing relationship with technology, the reliance we are developing with it, and recognizing that, just like human relationships, technology has flaws and perception-changing failures.
Heather Lamoureux
Mother’s Map: Recalling our self that believes her instincts, that does not apologize for being, that knows there is no hierarchy, that doesn’t retract her heart, that speaks her opinions, that feels, that finds pleasure, that knows life creates life. We feel vibrancy and power in her pulse, as she suffocates we suffocate; as she is pierced and poisoned our light dwindles. As we touch her magic we remember our story, our divinity and our strength. Simultaneously we recall our attachment to an endless pain, knowing we have taken too much. And so we offer…
“Thanks to F-O-R-M I was encouraged and able to create a film alongside six other powerful women from six different countries. It was a special opportunity to capture our moment together and our shared story on film. The process provided space for us to explore and question our bodies relationship to the earth, to connect our experiences and discover our rituals. Thanks to the funding I was able to work with an experienced videographer who took amazing footage and really solidified our vision. Mothers Map is the first film I directed with an ensemble and I have learned many lessons along the way and will be much better prepared to take on future projects. I look forward to sharing this film in other countries to further spread our story. Thank you to Sophia and F-O-R-M for creating this opportunity.”
2017 graphic design by Yuriy Kyrzov