Fused Monday Screening
Maria Kobzeva
CTRL_R is an interdisciplinary dance film at the intersection of technology, dance, film, and site-specific performance that explores the relationship between humans and (surveillance) technologies. In doing so, CTRL_R imagines not only dystopian visions of the future but also possibilities of a creative, playful, more-than-human coexistence: Two performers dance with a drone in three sceneries, through different realities and landscapes in which technologies are already deeply inscribed; within an urban environment, through old industrial halls, and amongst a solar panel field. CTRL_R poses questions within dance about control, loss of control, interplay, and coexistence with new technologies.
Artistic Direction: Maria Kobzeva
Choreographers, Performers: Sandra Domnick, Maria Kobzeva
Videographer and Post Production: Georg Gilstein
Drone Pilot: Lukas Stemmler
Dramaturgy: Maria Huber
Costumes: Michaela Kraft
Composer: Nicolas Fehr
Saxophone: Ralph Heidl
Drums: Simon Popp
Rumi Jeraj
This work is an exploration of space. Inspired by its location and the urge to change urban spaces into performance places, WIRES began as a physical exploration. By questioning what could be done outside of the studio but not within, a new dance space was made. From here the work became a radical act of collaboration. The performer's state of mind at this moment in time became a jumping off point: the physical substances included, the weather on shoot day and conversations about feeling and style all found their way into this film. Enjoy!
Director: Bobby Markov
Concept: Rumi Jeraj
Performers: Moira Humana-Blaise, Ethan Kim, Rumi Jeraj
Editors: Rumi Jeraj and Bobby Markov
Composer, Producer: Gareth Gilliland
Sound Engineer: Mark Maclure
Saxophone: Holly Sangster
Drums and Percussion: Zane Baker
Bass: Kessler Douglas
Guitar: Gareth Gilliland
Austin Macpherson, Next Fest, Collective of Scenic Exchange, Joel Taylor, Esmail Jeraj