Commissioned Artists’ World Premieres Saturday Screening

Sevrin Emnacen-Boyd
MENTOR: Mark Valino
AION refers to a concept developed by the philosopher Gilles Deleuze which denotes "the indefinite time of the event, the floating line that knows only speeds and continually divides that which transpires into an already-there that is at the same time not-yet-here, a simultaneous too-late and too-early". It refers to a time-sense that is outside of Chronos or the chronological, linear, everyday measure of time which both organizes and is organized by "normality". These twin concepts demonstrate that time is anything but neutral, and that it organizes our perception of reality and our visions of the future.
The film AION plays with the conceptual disruption of Chronos by molding together both forward and reversed movement while creating an ulterior continuity between night and day. It is a dance that refuses the constructed time-sense of the everyday, one that is instilled in us by capital and has remained mostly imperceptible for many until COVID-19. As we edge closer to normality, AION serves to remind the viewer of the possibility of constructing time and ultimately our lives outside of "the normal" that drove us here in the first place.
Director: Sevrin Emnacen-Boyd
Choreographer: Sevrin Emnacen-Boyd
Music Score: Amine Bouzaher
Editor, Director of Photography: Alinar Dapilos
Production Assistant: Abby Skaug
Immigrant Lessons, Now or Never Crew, and Scndrlz

மனசாட்சி (Heart is a Witness)
Mirusha Yogarajah
MENTOR: Kalainithan Kalaichelvan
A young boy looks for love from his older self, while seeking sanctuary in nature.
Director: Mirusha Yogarajah
Writer: Mirusha Yogarajah
Director of Photography: Ramiya Pushparajah
Dancer 1: Kalaisan Kalaichelvan
Dancer 2, Voice Actor: Rafael Rodrigo-Zimbalatti
Composer: Kalaisan Kalaichelvan
Dance Consultant: Brannavy Jeyasundaram
Production Assistant: Kuru Selvarajah
Production Assistant: Nirusha Yogarajah
Behind the Scenes Photographer: Sadiah Rahman
For the kids like us.

Baby Teeth
Emma Morris
MENTOR: Francesca Chudnoff
"so I named the creature Loss and named the home ______ "
BABY TEETH witnesses a woman navigating abstracted memories of loss through physical manifestations. Using contemporary dance, the woman explores contrasting landscapes in a dream-like reality of grief. As she invites fragmented memories to the surface, they come to life, allowing her to dance with her recollections. Accompanied by a cello soundscape, BABY TEETH is a glimpse into the journey of making peace with the past, dancing alone with loss, and finding repose in the water.
Concept/Design: Emma Morris
Producer: Emma Morris
Co-Producer: Vince Harttrup
Director: Vince Harttrup
Director of Photography: Steven Tsinokas
Colour: Steven Tsinokas
Editor: Vince Harttrup
Creative Director: Emma Morris
Choreography: Emma Morris
Dancer: Marisa Ricci
Music composed by: Justin Wright
Ryan Antooa, Francesca Chudnoff, Bradley Eng, Kelly Kirkham, Ben Morris, Jacob Morris, and Amanda Wood
Still image credit: Ryan Antooa

Roca Morena
Kyana Lyne + Siam Obregón
MENTORS: Philip Szporer + Marlene Millar (Mouvement Perpétuel), Wild Mint Arts
Under the tutelage of the Moon, a rock woke up and began to dance.
Bajo la tutela de la luna, una roca despertó y se puso a bailar.
Director: Siam Obregón
Choreographer: Kyana Lyne
Performer: Isabel Cruz
Cinematographer: Steven Turcotte
Focus Puller : William Tétreault
Sound Recordist: Andrés Solis
Production Manager: Mérédith Gonzalez-Bayard
Sound Design : Andrés Solis
Editor: Siam Obregón
Produced by: Mouvement Perpétuel, Steven Turcotte, Siam Obregón, Kyana Lyne
Commissioned by: F-O-R-M
Simran Dewan, Alexandre Nour, Michèle Bayard, and Lorianne Gonzalez-Bayard
Alger Liang 梁家傑
MENTORS: Nancy Lee + Ying Wang
This film contains strobe effects.
when the body is broken
and continues to walk without
it mourns for stillness.
the body makes ground
and wounds open
again and again
and again
and again.
at this moment,
somewhere in the world,
bees return to hives
birds to nests
tides to shore
and one day,
my body comes home.
A grieving boy moves through liminal spaces, queering time as he simultaneously embodies the past, present, and future.
Writer, Director, Producer, Performer, Editor: Alger Ji-Liang
Director, Producer, Editor, Craft Services: Joshua Lam
Choreographer, Behind-the-Scenes Videographer: Sarah Wong
Director of Photography, VFX: Shiun Okada
Background Performers: James Albers, Suyu He, Hubey Razon, Martin Yeo, Ophelia Zhao, Alexander Christopher Yeung
1st Assistant Camera: Rachel Chen
2nd Assistant Camera: Kasra Asad
Grip / LX, On-Location Sound: Osmar Wong
Behind-the-Scenes Photographers: Hubey Razon, Gloria Wong
Production Assistant: Michelle Strauss
Production Gear: Sam Lin, Rachel Chen, Brian Cheung, Sam Lin, Shiun Okada
Sound Designer, Music Composer: Veron Xio
Colourist: Patrick Gong
Editing Supervisor: Ian Tan
Foley Artist, Music Supervisor: Alger Ji-Liang
Music: motherland; written and produced by Veron Xio; courtesy of the artist
Music: Unconditional; produced by DJ Houseplants; courtesy of the artist
Rehearsal Studio Space sponsored by Gold Saucer
Production Gear sponsored by Cineworks
Catering Services sponsored by Fife Bakery (Felix Yau)
Mom. Thank you for bringing me into this world and showing me love. I feel your light every day and I hope to share it with those around me as you have.
Thank you Sarah for your patience and care, Joshua for your passion and drive, and Shiun for your commitment and precision. I could not have asked for better friends, and a better team to lean into. And thank you Nancy and Ying for your generous guidance and mentorship.
Thank you Sophia, Tamar, and the F-O-R-M team for believing in me and helping me bring my vision to life and onto the screen. I am so grateful for this opportunity and for your unwavering support.